NO.12 |
Found cat didn't know what to call it. Found here unisex cat names full list of names for cats.
2017/1/24 |
NO.11 |
Hi. Is it possible to order this head on the Zi girl body? Also, can you please put up a full body picture of this doll thanks! 2013/5/28 |
NO.10 |
Hi, there used to be more pictures of Xu. Could you put them up again? 2012/12/26 |
NO.9 |
Hello, Is XU sold with the head and the body? Because there is no description 2012/12/21 |
NO.8 |
Is it possible to give me xu's head on bao's body but instead of the single jointed arms and legs give me double jointed ones? What I'm trying to say is I like the abdomen of the single jointed body better than this one but would like my doll to be double jointed if possible. Is it possible to make a hybird like that by ordering this doll? Thank you and happy holidays 2012/12/17 |
NO.7 |
Hello, just to let you know that there is some problem with your company email. Emailing to you ends up in failure, but you emailing to us seems to be okay. 2012/6/15 |
NO.6 |
is it possible to buy JUST this body without a head or do you have to buy a full doll to get this body? 2012/5/26 |
NO.5 |
Thank you,Bao's head is sutable for Xu's body, if you need it, you can write us to order it. Xu is suitable for 1/6 doll wig, and the eye is 12MM.
2012/5/16 |
NO.4 |
What size eyes does he take? 2012/5/15 |
NO.3 |
What size wig does he wear? It does not say his details... 2012/5/12 |
NO.2 |
You can get Bao's head on this body by ordering this doll and then putting a comment asking for Bao's head instead in the comment box during checkout. You should get an email confirming the switch you want. 2012/5/9 |
NO.1 |
Is it possible to order Bao with this new body? 2012/5/9 |