NO.77 |
Would it be possible to get Mei's head on the Yao body in sky blue with translucent grey horns? Thank you. 2024/12/19 12:19:54 |
NO.76 |
Hi - would it be possible to order the Yao body (and horns) with a Li head? (Light tan colour) 2021/4/6 22:52:19 |
NO.75 |
Hi! I was wondering if it would be possible to switch Yao's body for Rong's body instead? So it would be a Yao head on a Rong body 2020/11/13 18:02:04 |
NO.74 |
could I please see pictures of this dolls body? 2020/9/12 12:12:24 |
NO.73 |
is it possible to just buy the yao head? 2019/2/14 10:19:01 |
NO.72 |
Was wondering if it would be possible to buy just Yao's body, in normal skin above the waist and red below? And what would the cost be for that? Thank you 2018/5/6 1:11:00 |
NO.71 |
Hello! I was wondering if this doll can be ordered with Rong's head, and if so would she still come with the horns? 2018/3/28 11:18:07 |
NO.70 |
Hi, i was wondering if i could get this doll with an extra pair of human legs? 2017/6/18 13:18:19 |
NO.69 |
Hey there, just wondering if the horns are magnetic, and also what size eyes she takes. Thanks 2017/2/6 |
NO.68 |
Does she ship with a pair of human legs too? Is there any larger bust torso that can be swapped in as I'd like her to have a fuller chest if possible . 2016/11/3 |
NO.67 |
Hello! I would like to order her but have a few questions,
- What size wig, eyes, accessories fit her body?
- Is it possible to order with a curvier frame/larger chest but still have the hooves?
- Is it possible to order a custom version of her with specific color wig, etc?
- Are there other heads that fit this body size?
Thank you! 2016/9/7 |
NO.66 |
Hey I would like to know if I could get rong head and immature chest on Yao body? 2016/4/20 |
NO.65 |
Is it possible to order just her legs in tan? What is the cost and thank you 2016/4/8 |
NO.64 |
Hello! Is it possible to order yao but with doublejointed as much as possible for maximum articulation? I pay more of course! Thanks for your answer! 2016/3/18 |
NO.63 |
Hello is it possible to just buy the Yao body and horn? Thanks. 2015/12/7 |
NO.62 |
How well would a Ming head fit on this body, please? I have a Yao already, but I wanted to buy a ming and switch them around. Would it be possible to get a picture of that sent to me, please? 2015/7/14 |
NO.61 |
Is it possible to just buy the Yao body?
Thanks. 2015/5/28 |
NO.60 |
Hello I was wondering if I could order this doll with Rong's head and an extra pair of human legs. and if so how much more would it cost. 2015/4/15 |
NO.59 |
What size of eyes does my beautiful girl Yao take? I want to have them ordered for her arrival. 2014/12/22 |
NO.58 |
Iam ready to order . how long a wait to usa ? Mo Usa ? Thanks 2014/10/13 |
NO.57 |
I want to but Yao BUT I want a LIGHT purple... more like a pale Lilac. Is this possible ? Thanks 2014/10/12 |
NO.56 |
Hi just wondering what size wig and eyes does she need?
2014/6/7 |
NO.55 |
What size eyes does this doll require? And how dark red can you make her? 2014/2/17 |
NO.54 |
What eye size does this doll head use? 2014/1/5 |
NO.53 |
Hi, Is it possible to buy her with Mei's head and have the magnets installed for horns and still have horns? how much would shipping be to Canada? 2013/12/16 |
NO.52 |
Any plans to sell the hooves separately so we can put them on a boy body? 2013/11/19 |
NO.51 |
Hi, I'm just wondering what size eyes does she take? Thanks. 2013/9/20 |
NO.50 |
so is she customizable? like change the hands? and can i get her without the box? but with the certificate? if so how much will she cost?thanks! (^.^) 2013/8/27 |
NO.49 |
Is it possible to get the Yao body with meis head? And if you order the doll in tan skin will the horns also be tan? Thankful for fast answers! :) 2013/7/6 |
NO.48 |
Is it possible to order yaos body with meis head? I really want this bjd >.< i would be very thankful for a quick answer 2013/6/21 |
NO.47 |
Is ist possible to get yao with meis head in blue skin color and with horns? Can meis head wear the horns? And how much would it cost? 2013/6/8 |
NO.46 |
Is it possible to get YAO with MEI's head? are the horns even though inclusiv an can MEI's head wear the horns? would it cost more? and can i get it even though in skin color blue? 2013/6/7 |
NO.45 |
Hi i am interested in Yao . My question is : how much is shipping to Poland ? 2013/3/16 |
NO.44 |
to no. 43 :) Hey, ja ostatnio zamawiałam ich 70 cm lalkę, i wysyłka kosztuje 51 dolarów. Za drugą - dopłaciłam 16 i mam dwie w jednej paczce :) Wgl. następnym razem napisz do nich maila (ten na samym dole ekranu - teraz mają jakiś festiwal, więc nie wiem, ale normalnie chętnie odpowiadają na wszelkie pytania w przeciagu 1 dnia:) bo na komenty rzadko odpowiadają :)Pozdro. 2013/2/2 |
NO.43 |
How much is shipping to Poland? 2013/1/13 |
NO.42 |
Is it possible to purchase just her hands? 2013/1/8 |
NO.41 |
IS there anyway to get this body, but with a Ming head instead? 2012/12/31 |
NO.40 |
how much would it cost to have this doll with a mei head? thanks<3 2012/10/21 |
NO.39 |
Can I buy Yao with Mei head???♥ 2012/10/14 |
NO.38 |
Hello! Is it possible to just buy the legs of this body (with the hooves) in white skin and if yes how much would it cost? 2012/8/18 |
NO.37 |
Would it be possible to purchase Yao with a Rong head, or Rong with Yao legs? Thanks C: 2012/7/6 |
NO.36 |
#35 I'm not with Resinsoul but order often. You can order the rong or Li and just request Yao head in comments. If you want the horns though you'd have to buy them separate 2012/6/14 |
NO.35 |
Hello, I am interested in ordering this doll.BUT, her animal legs are frivilous. Would it be possible to purchase her with human legs? ALSO, what is she made of? Resin or plastic? I am certain the name of the website holds the answer but I figured I'd ask anyhow. :) 2012/4/1 |
NO.34 |
If I want to buy her but with Ju's head where do i specify that when ordering? And can I request her hooves be painted the same as her horns when I buy her? 2011/11/20 |
NO.33 |
Would it be possible to purchase this doll assembled with Mei's head? :) 2011/11/8 |
NO.32 |
Hello Resinsoul
I'm interested inYao, I wanted to know if it's possible to order her with both fawn and human legs, and how much more it would cost for her with both leg parts in white skin
thank you
2011/9/3 |
NO.31 |
Do you think there is a chance that this body would be available with optional smooth horse style hooves in the future, instead of the cloven ones it has now? 2011/8/9 |
NO.30 |
What Size wig does can she wear??? 2011/8/8 |
NO.29 |
No.28, Yao is a 1/4 scale her head will not fit on the Ai body which is 1/3 scale. just thought i should point that out. 2011/5/20 |
NO.28 |
ResinSoul are Yao's legs like Ai's legs with the fur features behind the ankles and theighs? If so I might plan on buying her soon, if not is there any chance you'd sell Yao's head seperately so I could buy Ai's body and Yao's head/horns. 2011/4/26 |
NO.27 |
Dear Resinsoul.
In September 2010, I bought Long. I really liked your doll, so in December 2010, I bought another girl Yao. I am very happy with Long, but very disappointed with Yao. Girl's rubber(лучше resin) is very soft, I can scratch it by my fingernail!
If dust falls into a joint on the surface appears are small scratch. It is a pity that you changed the composition of rubber(resin) in your dolls without telling customers. I am so sad about this fact because I wanted to buy a few dolls , but now I don't sure about it. 2011/4/11 |
NO.26 |
Does she also come with human legs in case you would like to switch the legs from human to beat legs w/ hoofs? Or does she just come with the beat legs? 2011/4/7 |
NO.25 |
have you considered making a darker version of the current gray more like a dark gray like the difference of coffee vs. dark tan? there is a poll on the bobobie site forum with a ton of people interested in this shade as well all appear to love the current gray as do i but would like a darker alternative with final fantasy xiv, lineage and WOW avatars all bing on the darker end of the spectrum alot of people then try to make their characters as resin dolls most of them elves which you have handled beautifully yao is lovely, this is the url to the bobobie forun post regarding interest in this shade. 2011/3/29 |
NO.24 |
does Yao come with eyes ? 2011/3/14 |
NO.23 |
Oh gosh, she's gorgeous. I was just wondering, pre-buying, what size eyes does she take? Also, what size wig? Thankyou :) 2011/2/4 |
NO.22 |
Will you ever be making a male version of Yao? I love her hooves so much, but I'm dying for a boy! 2011/1/30 |
NO.21 |
I have just found your site, and will definitely be buying from here. Your skin options are amazing, and very affordable. 2011/1/3 |
NO.20 |
If there was Yao at least 58 cm tall, I'd buy five))
2010/12/26 |
NO.19 |
have you ever considered making an option to make dolls in yellow or orange resin? 2010/12/16 |
NO.18 |
Hi I was wondering if it is possible to get a male torso on this doll instead of the female, thank you 2010/12/2 |
NO.17 |
Hi, is possible to have Rong's head on Yao's body? I love Yao's hooves, but I'd really like Rong's head! Thank you! :D 2010/11/19 |
NO.16 |
Will you release a boy version, with hoof legs, in the future? ^^ 2010/11/18 |
NO.15 |
can her body b change to imature body i want her in imature body. and wat size is her eyes and wig
thanx!!:D 2010/11/17 |
NO.14 |
Any plans to sell these horns separately? 2010/11/17 |
NO.13 |
Your hooves are improving greatly! I also love the newest bodies. I owned a previous RS doll and did not like the hands, but this is also improving. Wonderful work! I am saving up for one of your dolls!! 2010/11/17 |
NO.12 |
NO.10- They take about a month to make plus maybe about a week to arrive after shipping (ive ordered 3 from here) :3 2010/11/16 |
NO.11 |
Hi I was wondering what size wig does she take? 2010/11/16 |
NO.10 |
I'm ordering her now, do you know about how long it takes to ship to the US? Thanks 2010/11/16 |
NO.9 |
I was wondering what size eyes she takes? Also the eyes she has in the pictures; are they high domes or low domes? What would look best in her sculp? 2010/11/16 |
NO.8 |
Hello, thank you all your messages , I'm sorry,Idonot think Yao's leg is suitable for the boy's body... in addition, Yao's horn can match with Ai, but it might feel a little thin, Thanks
2010/11/15 |
NO.7 |
Wow!! She is amazing!! I adore her face!! Such attitude!! The horns are amazing!! I cant wait to order her!! 2010/11/15 |
NO.6 |
Do you know if Ai's horns would be too big for her? 2010/11/15 |
NO.5 |
I love her~ oh man she's just so perfect!
Is there any chance her hooves and leg parts will fit the new double jointed boy?
Thanks a ton, you guys have really out done yourselves. 2010/11/14 |
NO.4 |
ResinSoul, you are simply brilliant. 2010/11/14 |
NO.3 |
She looks so cool! Thank you, ResinSoul, for making the most neat dolls ever! ;v;
Though, i-is there any future possibility of you making horns in this style for 1/3 sized dolls? Or could you maybe show how they look on 1/3 sized dolls? They're the most amazing and fierce looking horns I've ever seen! 2010/11/14 |
NO.2 |
She is Beautiful! She has struck my heart and I am so in need of her. You guys are coming out with more and more beautiful dolls all the time! KD. 2010/11/14 |
NO.1 |
she is exquisite, and added to my list :-) 2010/11/13 |